Nearest Airport to Munnar

The nearest airport to Munnar is Cochin International Airport, located in Kochi, Kerala, India. It is the primary airport for travelers visiting Munnar and the surrounding areas. Total Distance: The total distance from Cochin International Airport to Munnar is 110 kilometers by road. Travel Time: The journey from Cochin International Airport to Munnar takes 3-4 … Read more

Nearest Airport to Nainital

The nearest airport to Nainital is Pantnagar Airport, situated in Uttarakhand, India. It is the primary airport for travelers visiting Nainital and the surrounding regions. Distance: The total distance from Pantnagar Airport to Nainital is approximately 70 kilometers by road. Travel Time: The journey from Pantnagar Airport to Nainital takes around 2 hours, depending on … Read more

Nearest Airport to Coorg

The nearest airport to Coorg is Mangaluru International Airport (IXE). Total Distance: The distance between Mangaluru International Airport to Coorg is 160 kilometers. Travel Time The travel time from Mangalore International Airport to Coorg varies depending on the mode of transportation. It takes around 3-4 hours to reach Coorg from the airport by road. Route … Read more