Nearest Airport to Bhuj

The nearest airport to Bhuj is Bhuj Airport (BHJ), also known as Shyamji Krishna Verma Airport.

Total Distance:

The distance between Bhuj city center and Bhuj Airport is only about 6 kilometers, ensuring a short and hassle-free commute for air travelers.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Bhuj city center to Bhuj Airport is typically around 15 minutes, depending on traffic conditions. The short distance allows for quick transfers, making it convenient for both domestic and international travelers.

Route Guide:

  • Taxi or Cab: Hire a taxi or cab from the airport terminal for a convenient and direct journey to Bhuj city center. Prepaid taxis or negotiated fares are available.
  • Auto-rickshaw: Opt for auto-rickshaws as a more economical option to travel from the airport to Bhuj. Negotiate the fare before boarding.
  • Hotel Transfers: If you have a hotel reservation, inquire if they provide airport transfer services and arrange for a pick-up from the airport.

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