Nearest Airport to Gangtok

The nearest airport to Gangtok is Pakyong Airport.

Total Distance:

The distance between Pakyong Airport to Gangtok is 30 kilometers.

Travel Time:

The traveling time is 1 hour by road.

Route Guide:

To reach Gangtok from Pakyong Airport, you can follow these directions:

  1. Upon arriving at Pakyong Airport, exit the terminal building and head towards the main road.
  2. From the airport, you need to travel approximately 30 kilometers to reach Gangtok.
  3. Start by heading west on NH10 from the airport.
  4. Continue on NH10 for about 30 kilometers until you reach the capital city of Gangtok.
  5. Along the way, you will pass through scenic landscapes and mountainous terrain.
  6. Once you reach Gangtok, you will find various attractions, hotels, and accommodations to explore.

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