Nearest Airport to Jagannath Puri Temple

The nearest airport to Jagannath Puri is Biju Patnaik International Airport.

Total Distance:

The distance between Biju Patnaik International Airport and Jagannath Puri Temple is approximately 60 kilometers.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Airport to the temple is 1-2 hours only.

Route Guide:

Here is a route guide from Biju Patnaik International Airport to Jagannath Puri:

  1. Exit the airport and head southeast on Airport Road.
  2. At the first roundabout, take the third exit onto Nandan Kanan Road.
  3. Continue on Nandan Kanan Road for about 3 kilometers.
  4. At the next roundabout, take the second exit to stay on Nandan Kanan Road.
  5. Drive for approximately 7 kilometers until you reach Cuttack-Puri Road.
  6. Turn right onto Cuttack-Puri Road and continue for about 47 kilometers.
  7. Follow the road signs to enter Jagannath Puri Shrine.

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