Nearest Airport to Khajuraho

The nearest airport to Khajuraho is the Khajuraho Airport.

Total Distance:

The total distance between Khajuraho Airport to Khajuraho town is about 5 kilometers.

Travel Time:

The travel time is 15 to 20 minutes only.

Route Guide:

To travel from Khajuraho Airport to Khajuraho, you can follow this route guide:

  1. After landing at Khajuraho Airport, exit the airport terminal building.
  2. Head towards the main airport access road.
  3. Turn left onto the main road, which leads directly to the Khajuraho town.
  4. Follow the road for approximately 5 kilometers, and you will arrive at the main area of Khajuraho, where most hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions are located.

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