Nearest Airport to Kovalam

The nearest airport to Kovalam is Trivandrum International Airport aka Thiruvananthapuram International Airport.

Total Distance:

The distance between Trivandrum Airport and Kovalam is approximately 15 kilometers.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Trivandrum International Airport to Kovalam is 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Route Guide:

Here is a route guide from Trivandrum International Airport to Kovalam:

  1. Exit the airport and head west on Airport Road.
  2. Merge onto NH 66 from the Airport Road.
  3. Follow NH 66 and continue straight until you reach the junction near Kovalam.
  4. At the junction, take a right turn onto the Kovalam Beach Road.
  5. Follow the signs for Kovalam Beach and continue straight to reach your destination.

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