Nearest Airport to Nanded Hazur Sahib

The nearest airport to Nanded Hazur Sahib is the Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Airport, also known as Nanded Airport.

Total Distance:

The total distance between Nanded Airport to Hazur Sahib Gurudwara in Nanded is approx 12 kilometers.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Nanded Airport to Hazur Sahib Gurudwara is 20 to 30 minutes only.

Route Guide:

To travel from Nanded Airport to Hazur Sahib Gurudwara, you can follow this route guide:

  1. After arriving at Nanded Airport, exit the airport terminal.
  2. Head towards the main airport access road and take a right turn if you are facing the airport entrance.
  3. Drive straight on the airport access road, which will lead you directly to the main road.
  4. At the main road, take a right turn and continue driving straight.
  5. Follow the road signs to Hazur Sahib Gurudwara, as it is a prominent religious site and well-marked directions should be available.
  6. The route will take you through the city of Nanded, and you’ll eventually reach the Hazur Sahib Gurudwara.

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