Nearest Airport to Ooty

The closest airport to Ooty is Coimbatore International Airport.

Total Distance:

The distance between Coimbatore International Airport to Ooty is 94.8 kilometers.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Coimbatore International Airport to Ooty typically ranges from 3-4 hours, depending on road conditions and traffic in the hilly region.

Route Guide:

To reach Ooty from Coimbatore International Airport, you can follow the following route:

  1. Exit Coimbatore International Airport and head towards Airport Road.
  2. Continue on Airport Road and join Avinashi Road (NH181).
  3. Follow NH181 and drive towards Mettupalayam.
  4. In Mettupalayam, take the road towards Coonoor Road (NH67).
  5. Follow NH67 uphill, which will take you to Ooty.

Please note that the road from Mettupalayam to Ooty is a hilly route, and it is advisable to drive cautiously, especially during monsoon or foggy conditions.

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