Nearest Airport to Rameshwaram

The nearest airport to Rameshwaram is Madurai International Airport, located in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Total Distance:

The total distance from Madurai International Airport to Rameshwaram is approximately 180 kilometers by road.

Travel Time:

The journey from Madurai International Airport to Rameshwaram takes 3-4 hours.

Route Guide:

Here is a suggested route to reach Rameshwaram from Madurai International Airport:

  • Exit Madurai International Airport and head towards the NH87 (Madurai-Rameshwaram Road).
  • Follow NH87 and continue straight towards Ramanathapuram.
  • From Ramanathapuram, continue on the NH87 towards Rameshwaram.
  • The road offers scenic views of the Bay of Bengal and the Pamban Bridge, adding to the charm of the journey.
  • Cross the iconic Pamban Bridge, which connects the mainland with Rameshwaram Island.
  • Continue on the NH87 until you reach Rameshwaram town.

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