Nearest Airport to Rann Of Kutch

The nearest airport to the Rann of Kutch is Bhuj Airport, also known as Bhuj Rudra Mata Airport.

Total Distance:

The total distance between Bhuj Airport to the Rann of Kutch depends on the specific location within the Rann you are visiting. However, the distance is approximately 70-100 kilometers (43-62 miles) from Bhuj Airport to the entrance of the Rann.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Bhuj Airport to the Rann of Kutch takes around 2 to 3 hours only.

Route Guide:

Here is a general route guide from Bhuj Airport to the Rann of Kutch:

  1. Exit Bhuj Airport and head west on Airport Road.
  2. Merge onto NH 341 from Airport Road.
  3. Continue straight on NH 341, following the signs for Kutch.
  4. Depending on the entrance point you intend to visit, follow the specific road directions or signs that lead to the Rann of Kutch.
  5. The Rann of Kutch is a vast salt marsh, so it is advisable to check for any specific routes or instructions based on your destination within the Rann.

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