Nearest Airport to Sabarimala

The nearest airport to Sabarimala is Cochin International Airport.

Total Distance:

The total distance between Cochin International Airport and Sabarimala is 150 kilometers.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Cochin International Airport to Sabarimala is 4-5 hours only.

Route Guide:

Here is a route guide from Cochin International Airport to Sabarimala:

  1. Exit the airport and head northeast on Airport Road.
  2. Merge onto Salem-Kochi Highway/NH 544.
  3. Continue on NH 544 and pass through towns like Angamaly, Chalakudy, and Thrissur.
  4. From Thrissur, follow the signs for Sabarimala and proceed towards Pathanamthitta district.
  5. Once you reach Pathanamthitta, follow the directions and signs to reach Sabarimala.

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