Nearest Airport to Srisailam

The nearest airport to Srisailam is the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (HYD). It is an international airport located in Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

Total Distance:

The total distance between Rajiv Gandhi Airport to Srisailam is approximately 225 kilometers.

Travel Time:

The travel time is 4-5 hours only.

Route Guide:

To travel from Rajiv Gandhi International Airport to Srisailam, you can follow this route guide:

  1. After arriving at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, exit the airport terminal and head towards the main airport access road.
  2. Get onto the NH 44 (National Highway 44), also known as the Hyderabad-Bangalore Highway.
  3. Follow NH 44 in the direction of Kurnool.
  4. As you drive on NH 44, you will pass through various towns and rural landscapes.
  5. Continue on NH 44 until you reach the town of Srisailam.
  6. From the town, you will need to take a local road that leads to the Srisailam Temple complex, situated amidst the Nallamala Hills.

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