Nearest Airport to Thekkady

The nearest airport to Thekkady is the Madurai International Airport. It is an international airport located in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Total Distance:

The total distance between Madurai Airport and Thekkady is approximately 140 kilometers.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Madurai Airport to Thekkady usually takes around 3 to 4 hours, depending on the mode of transportation and road conditions.

Route Guide:

To travel from Madurai Airport to Thekkady, you can follow this route guide:

  1. After arriving at Madurai Airport, exit the airport terminal and head towards the main airport access road.
  2. Get onto NH 85 (National Highway 85), also known as the Madurai-Kumily Road.
  3. Follow NH 85, which will take you through scenic landscapes, small towns, and lush greenery.
  4. After driving for approximately 140 kilometers on NH85, you will reach Kumily, which is the town nearest to Thekkady.
  5. From Kumily, you can take the road leading to Thekkady, which is just a short distance away.

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