Nearest Airport to Tirupati Balaji

The nearest airport to Tirupati Balaji is Tirupati Airport, also known as Renigunta Airport.

Total Distance:

The distance between Tirupati Airport to Tirupati Balaji is 15 kilometers.

Travel Time:

It takes around 30 minutes to 1 hour to reach Tirupati Balaji from the airport.

Route Guide:

Here is a general route guide from Tirupati Airport to Tirupati Balaji:

  1. Upon arrival at Tirupati Airport, exit the terminal building and head towards the transportation area.
  2. You can find taxis, auto-rickshaws, and other transportation options available at the airport for reaching Tirupati Balaji.
  3. From Tirupati Airport, travel towards Tirupati Balaji, which is approximately 15 kilometers away. The most common and convenient way to reach Tirupati Balaji is by road.
  4. Follow the Tirupati-Renigunta Road or the NH71, which is well-connected and signposted, guiding you towards the temple.
  5. As you approach Tirupati Balaji, you will find parking facilities and entry points for devotees visiting the temple.
  6. Follow the designated routes and instructions provided by the temple authorities for a smooth and organized darshan (worship) experience.

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