Nearest Airport to Kedarnath Dham

The nearest airport to Kedarnath Temple is the Jolly Grant Airport, located in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.

Total Distance:

The total distance from Jolly Grant Airport to Kedarnath Dham is around 238 kilometers.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Jolly Grant Airport to Kedarnath Dham can vary depending on the mode of transportation chosen. By road, it takes approximately 8-10 hours to reach Kedarnath Dham from the airport.

This estimate includes the time required for the road journey as well as any necessary breaks along the way. It’s important to note that travel time can be affected by various factors such as weather conditions and traffic.

Route Guide:

Here is a general route guide to reach Kedarnath Dham from Jolly Grant Airport:

  1. Exit Jolly Grant Airport and head south on NH7 (Dehradun-Rishikesh Highway).
  2. Continue on NH7 and drive for approximately 15 kilometers until you reach Rishikesh.
  3. At Rishikesh, follow the road signs for Badrinath Highway (NH58) and take a right turn.
  4. Stay on NH58 and drive for approximately 207 kilometers until you reach Guptkashi.
  5. At Guptkashi, take a left turn onto the Phata-Kedarnath Road.
  6. Continue on the Phata-Kedarnath Road for approximately 18 kilometers until you reach Gaurikund.
  7. At Gaurikund, park your vehicle and proceed further to Kedarnath Dham by foot or by pony/palki/helicopter, as there is no motorable road beyond this point.

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