Nearest Airport to Kodaikanal Tamil Nadu

The nearest airport to Kodaikanal is Madurai International Airport.

Total Distance:

The distance between Madurai Airport to Kodaikanal is 120 kilometers only.

Travel Time:

The traveling time is 3-4 hours by road.

Route Guide:

  1. Begin your journey from Kodaikanal and head south on Laws Ghat Road.
  2. Continue on Laws Ghat Road for approximately 40 kilometers until you reach Perumalmalai.
  3. From Perumalmalai, take the NH183 and continue for about 50 kilometers.
  4. After 50 kilometers, you will reach Batlagundu.
  5. At Batlagundu, take the NH44 and continue for approximately 25 kilometers.
  6. Finally, you will reach Madurai International Airport, which is the nearest airport to Kodaikanal.

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