Nearest Airport to Mysore

The nearest airport to Mysore is the Mysore Airport, also known as the Mandakalli Airport.

Total Distance:

The total distance between Mysore city center and Mysore Airport (Mandakalli Airport) is around 12 kilometers.

Travel Time:

The travel time from the city center of Mysore to Mysore Airport is typically around 20-30 minutes.

Route Guide:

To travel from Mysore city center from Mysore Airport, you can follow these directions:

  • Step 1: Exit the Mandakalli Airport terminal and head towards the taxi stand or pre-paid taxi counters.
  • Step 2: At the taxi stand, book a taxi to Mysore city center. Inform the taxi driver about your destination and confirm the fare before starting your journey.
  • Step 3: The taxi will take the main exit road from the airport and merge onto the Bogadi Main Road.
  • Step 4: Continue on the Bogadi Main Road, and you will pass through areas like Bogadi and Hootagalli.
  • Step 5: Stay on the Bogadi Main Road until you reach the Bogadi Junction.
  • Step 6: At the Bogadi Junction, the taxi will take a right turn and merge onto the Mysuru Ring Road (also known as the Outer Ring Road or ORR).
  • Step 7: Follow the Mysuru Ring Road, which will take you towards the city center of Mysore.
  • Step 8: As you approach the city, the Ring Road will intersect with different roads, and the taxi driver will navigate accordingly. The specific route may vary based on your exact destination in Mysore city center.
  • Step 9: Depending on your final destination within Mysore city center, the taxi driver will take you through the appropriate local roads to reach your destination.

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