Nearest Airport to Dharamshala

The nearest airport to Dharamshala is Gaggal Airport.

Total Distance:

The distance between Gaggal Airport to Dharmshala is 15 km only.

Travel Time:

The travel time from the airport to Dharamshala is 30 minutes only.

Route Guide:

Here is a general route guide from Gaggal Airport to Dharamshala:

  1. From the airport, follow the road that leads to Dharamshala. You will be traveling on NH 503.
  2. Enjoy the scenic drive as you pass through lush green landscapes and the beautiful Kangra Valley.
  3. As you approach Dharamshala, you will see signboards guiding you toward different areas within the town, such as McLeod Ganj or Upper Dharamshala. Follow the signs based on your intended destination.
  4. Follow the road signs and directions to reach your desired location within Dharamshala, where you can explore the picturesque town and its attractions, including the Dalai Lama’s residence and the Bhagsunath Temple.

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