Nearest Airport to Hampi Karnataka

The nearest airport to Hampi is Hubli Airport.

Total Distance:

The distance between Hubli Airport to Hampi is 170 km only.

Travel Time:

The travel time from Hubballi Airport to Hampi is 3-4 hours only.

Route Guide:

Here is a general route guide from Hubli Airport to Hampi:

  1. From the airport, head towards the main road and follow the signs that guide you towards Hospet. You will be taking the NH67 route.
  2. Continue on the NH67, which will lead you through scenic landscapes and towns. Enjoy the journey through the beautiful countryside of Karnataka.
  3. As you approach Hospet, you will see signboards directing you toward Hampi. Follow these signboards to reach your destination.
  4. Once you reach Hampi, you can explore the various historical sites, temples, and ruins that the town is renowned for.

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