Nearest Airport to Sabarimala Temple Kerala

The nearest airport to Sabarimala is Cochin International Airport, Kochi

Total Distance:

The distance between Cochin Airport to Sabarimala Temple is 160 kilometers.

Travel Time:

The travel time is 4-5 hours.

Route Guide:

Here is a general route guide from the Cochin International Airport to Sabarimala:

  1. Upon arrival at Cochin International Airport, proceed towards the exit and look for taxi services.
  2. From the airport, head towards the main road and follow the signs that direct you towards Ernakulam and then towards Kottayam.
  3. Once you reach Kottayam, follow the signs guiding you toward Pathanamthitta, the district where Sabarimala is located.
  4. From Pathanamthitta, continue towards Pampa, which is the base camp for the pilgrimage to Sabarimala. The road from Pathanamthitta to Pampa is well-marked with signboards guiding you in the right direction.
  5. Upon reaching Pampa, you can park your vehicle at the designated parking areas and proceed on foot towards the temple. The final leg of the journey involves trekking through the forested path to reach the Sabarimala temple Kerala.

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